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岳晓航: Automating Supply Chain Contracts in the Presence of Demand Shifts and Contract Execution Lag
发布日期:2023-06-12  来源:信誉最好的20个网投网站   查看次数:







We develop an analytical model in which a supply chain can adopt either a conventional non-automated (long-term) contract or an automated contract in response to a potential demand shift. Under the automated contract, the wholesale prices are dynamically updated based on embedded Bayesian detection of the demand shift. We find that the magnitude and timing uncertainty of the demand shift are positive factors that favor the adoption of the automated contract in a supply chain. We also extend the model and explore the effect of supply chain competition on the adoption of automated contracts when two supply chains have Cournot competition.


中国科学技术大学/美国威斯康星大学米尔沃基分校(The University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee)教授,其主要从事供应链与物流管理、生产与市场管理和工业制造系统管理的研究工作。相关研究发表在Operations Research、Information System Research、Production and Operations Management等国际顶级/权威期刊。岳教授目前担任国际知名期刊Production and Operations Management资深副主编(Senior Editor),Transportation Research Part E顾问编委(Editorial Advisory Board)。

上一条:乔梦柯:Correcting Misclassification Bias in Regression Models with Variables Generated via Data Mining
下一条:严挺: 国际审计实践中的理念和视野
