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熊辉: Talent Analytics: From Rule of Thumb to Data Science
发布日期:2021-07-29  来源:信誉最好的20个网投网站   查看次数:

熊辉: Talent Analytics: From Rule of Thumb to Data Science







The big data trend has made its way to talent education and management. Indeed, the availability of large-scale talent data provides unparalleled opportunities for business leaders to understand talent behaviors and generate useful talent knowledge, which in turn deliver intelligence for real-time decision making and effective talent education and management at work. In this talk, we introduce the powerful set of innovative big data techniques developed for intelligent talent management, such as recruiting, performance evaluation, talent retention, talent development, job matching, team management, leadership development, and organization culture analysis. In addition, we will also demonstrate how the results of talent analytics can be used for other business applications, such as financial investment and business innovation.


熊辉教授现为香港科学技术大学(广州)讲席教授(Chair Professor);担任美国罗格斯-新泽西州立大学杰出教授(Distinguished Professor)RBS经理讲席教授;并曾在学术休假期间担任百度研究院副经理并主管5个实验室。熊辉教授主要研究领域涵盖数据挖掘、商业智能、以及人力资源大数据。他获得的部分荣誉包括AAAS FellowIEEE FellowACM杰出科学家、中国教育部长江讲座教授、中国国家基金委海外杰青B类(海外及港澳学者合作研究基金)、哈佛商业评论2018年“拉姆.查兰管理实践奖”-全场大奖、2017 IEEE ICDM Outstanding Service AwardICDM-2011最佳研究论文奖、和AAAI-2021最佳论文奖。 熊辉教授是Encyclopedia of GIS (Springer)的共同主编,IEEE Transactions on Big Data (TBD) ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS)的编委。曾担任ACM KDD 2012企业及政府专题的共同程序委员会主席、IEEE ICDM 2013的共同程序委员会主席、IEEE ICDM 2015的共同大会主席,以及ACM KDD-2018的研究专题程序委员会主席。在关于我们方面,熊辉教授指导的大多数博士毕业生均成为美国知名大学TENURE-TRACK教授,包括田纳西大学 (University of Tennessee-Knoxville)、亚利桑那大学 (University of Arizona)、纽约州立大学石溪分校(Stony Brook University、中佛罗里达大学(University of Central Florida)、乔治梅森大学(George Mason University、香港城市大学、肯萨斯大学(University of Kansas)、和欧洲高等商学院 (ESCP Business School - Paris)

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