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报告题目:Online Manufacturer Referral to Heterogeneous Retailers
发布日期:2017-01-11  来源:信誉最好的20个网投网站杨继盛   查看次数:







陈剑,清华大学经济信誉最好的20个网投网站管理科学与工程系联想讲席教授(Lenovo Chair Professor)、博士生导师,清华大学经济信誉最好的20个网投网站管理科学与工程系系主任, 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地——清华大学现代管理研究中心主任。于1983年获得清华大学电机系学士学位,1986年获得清华大学自动化系硕士学位,1989年获得清华经济信誉最好的20个网投网站博士学位。主要研究领域为供应链管理、电子商务、商务智能与决策分析、系统优化与预测技术等。

陈剑教授作为作者/合作者在Production and Operations Management等国际国内学术期刊上发表论文一百七十多篇;主持近二十个国家自然科学基金委、教育部、863等国家部委项目。陈剑教授获得过多项科技奖励及荣誉称号,如教育部科技进步奖/自然科学奖/人文社会科学奖;国际电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)会士;IBM学院奖;教育部长江学者;复旦管理学奖;全国优秀博士学位论文指导教师;北京市政府科学技术进步奖;中国青年科技奖等。

陈剑教授在多个学术组织中任职,如担任生产和运营管理学会(POMS)副理事长(负责亚太区),IEEE系统、人与控制论学会服务系统和组织专业委员会主席,IEEE SMC北京分会主席,中国系统工程学会副理事长,中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会副理事长,中国信息协会常务理事,国家自然科学基金会管理科学部专家委员会委员、工商管理组副组长等。


Since the development of the Internet, thousands of manufacturers have been referring consumers visiting their websites to some or all of their retailers. Through a model with one manufacturer and two heterogeneous retailers, we investigate whether it is an equilibrium for the manufacturer to refer consumers exclusively to a retailer or nonexclusively to both retailers. Our analysis indicates that nonexclusive referral is the manufacturer's equilibrium choice if the referral segment market size is sufficiently large; otherwise, exclusive referral is the equilibrium choice. In exclusive referral, the manufacturer would refer consumers to the more cost-efficient and smaller retailer. In the presence of infomediary referral, it is less likely for both exclusive and nonexclusive referrals to be an equilibrium, as the infomediary referral segment grows. We also show our qualitative results are robust even if there were price discrimination among consumers, referral position disparity, local consumers, and asymmetric referral market sizes.


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