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报告题目:Pricing and Matching in Sharing Economy
发布日期:2017-06-30  来源:信誉最好的20个网投网站杨继盛   查看次数:







胡明,加拿大多伦多大学罗曼商学院副教授,博士。胡明教授致力于运作管理与营销管理方面的研究,以企业间、企业和消费者之间的策略互动为焦点,探究运作管理和市场营销之间的相互影响;主要研究内容有收益管理、供应链管理和服务管理等。其研究课题包括机制设计、库存/容量和价格一体化,价格竞争和消费者行为建模等。目前则致力于研究社会化团购、众筹、众包和双边市场环境下的运作管理等问题。近几年,胡明教授在《Operations Research》,《Management Science》,《Marketing Science》, 《Production and Operations Management》, 《Manufacturing& Service Operations Management》等国际顶级期刊上发表论文二十多篇,并荣获POMS 2016的Wickham Skinner Early-Career Research Accomplishments Award, CSAMSE2015年度年会最佳论文一等奖,INFORMS青年学者优秀论文提名奖等荣誉。   


Motivated by the emerging sharing economy, we study an intermediary such as Uber, who crowdsources goods or services from independent suppliers or agents, and sells them to consumers. First, we focus on the optimality of fixed commission crowdsourcing contracts under market uncertainty. Surprisingly, we show that the commission contract can be optimal or near-optimal for the intermediary (and suppliers). Second, taking into account other factors of suppliers and consumers beyond valuation, such as geographic location or quality, for given prices, we focus on characterizing the optimal matching policy for the intermediary and show when it is optimal to prioritize matching based on distance or quality.


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